New Life Insurance? There are different kinds.

Life Insurance with Long Term Care Benefits
Consider these two strategies that combine permanent life insurance coverage with long-term care benefits, if you’re concerned about the high costs of long-term care.

Replacement and Conservation Considerations for Life Insurance Policies
People have life insurance to provide adequate resources for their dependents and others treat their life insurance policies as investments.

Annuities and Retirement Planning
IRAs and employer-sponsored plans may be one of the best ways to invest for retirement, but annuities may also be an appropriate investment.

Protecting Your Loved Ones with Life Insurance
As you take on more responsibilities and your family grows, your need for protecting your loved ones with life insurance increases.

Using Fixed Annuities as a Retirement Tool
Fixed annuities are an excellent option if you’re looking for a guaranteed income stream in retirement. However, consider your circumstances and goals and weigh the pros and cons before investing.

More Than One Type of Life Insurance
Protect your loved ones in case something happens to you by purchasing a life insurance policy. But there’s more than one type of life insurance available.

The Overall Impact of Life Insurance
Life insurance cushions you against the impact of the uncertainties of life. Let’s explore the benefits of life insurance beyond the financial aspect.

Why Car Insurance Costs are Climbing: Insights into Expensive Premiums
Many people still yearn for the open road after suffering through two years of a pandemic, though car insurance rates are climbing.
Caring for Your Aging Parents
Caring for your aging parents is something you hope you can handle when the time comes, but it’s the last thing you want to think about.
Do Millennials Need Life Insurance?
The financial challenges millennials face can be overwhelming. There are many reasons to have life insurance at a relatively young age, but here are some common ones.
Time to Consider Long-Term Care
The demand for long-term care services is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. It’s advisable to plan for long-term care needs.
Closing Gaps in Your Insurance Coverage
Here are some common coverage gaps to consider when reviewing your life, auto and home insurance coverage.
9 Reasons You Need Life Insurance
Explore the advantages that life insurance can provide for the present and the future. Check out these 9 reasons you need life insurance.
4 Reasons Why People Don’t Have Life Insurance
Here are 4 reasons why people do not have life insurance, a much-needed piece in their financial portfolio.
Choosing the Right Disability Insurance Plan: A Comprehensive Guide
The right Disability insurance Plan provides a safety net, enabling you to meet your financial obligations as you recuperate with disability.
Disability Insurance in Your Financial Plan
Have you talked with a financial professional about disability insurance coverage? It may benefit you to seek out answers.
Introduction to Disability Insurance
Tim Lemoine and Kourtney Zando, our DI Specialist, provide an overall introduction to the world of Disability Insurance.
10 Life Insurance Questions You Should Ask Yourself
Acquiring life insurance is one of the most positive financial moves you can make. It’s an even better decision to get it when you’re young and healthy, resulting in a more affordable rate on your policy. To clarify any confusion on what type of policy to choose or how much coverage to get, we’ve answered a healthy mix of commonly asked questions.
Should You Buy Long-Term Care Insurance?
The longer you live, the greater the chances you’ll need some form of long-term care. If you’re concerned about protecting your assets and maintaining your financial independence in your later years, long-term care insurance (LTCI) may be for you.
Video: Long-Term Care
Tim Lemoine and Ryan Tracy from Risk & Insurance Associates return to discuss the ins and outs of long-term care insurance. During the video, they dive into reasons to purchase, sales best practices, appropriate ages to pitch, and how to best work with RIA to place business.
7 Tips for Choosing a Life Insurance Provider
There’s no greater motivation for putting a protection plan in place than for those you love. Among the decisions you need to make when buying life insurance is what company to choose. Here are some tips to help you find the right insurance company for you, your family, and your situation.
Funding a Buy-Sell Agreement with Life Insurance
As a partner or co-owner (private shareholder) of a business, you’ve spent years building a valuable financial interest in your company. You may have considered setting up a buy-sell agreement to ensure your surviving family a smooth sale of your business interest and are looking into funding methods. One of the first methods you should consider is life insurance.
Keeping Your Auto and Home Insurance Low
As a responsible adult, you know that you need to have auto and home insurance. But that doesn’t mean you have to break the bank to get it. In fact, you have many options to keep your rates low. Here are some steps you can take to keep your auto and home insurance low.
From Premiums to Paychecks: Unlock the Hidden ATM in Your Life Insurance
The primary objective of life insurance is providing financial support after you’ve passed but using life insurance as an asset is another.
Life Insurance at Various Life Stages
Your need for life insurance changes as your life changes. Let’s look at how your life insurance needs change throughout your lifetime.
Home Alone, Not Lonely: Strategies for Social Connection in Senior Living
Nearly one-third of all seniors live by themselves, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That’s close to 14 million seniors aging alone. This suits some seniors just fine, however it’s vital for seniors living alone to interact with others. The potential for a long-term care crisis looms.