In many client engagements, the planning and situational complexity breach traditional private client norms. In those cases, specific functional expertise in a wide variety of arenas is critical to pull together the various, often interwoven circumstances of the case and produce the desired outcome. We often refer to these arenas as “Advanced Markets” – and Risk & Insurance Associates provides in-house experts in various disciplines to provide functional advise and guidance in support of your business.
Estate Planning
Providing for the orderly and timely distribution of one’s estate can be a complex web of wills, trusts, beneficiary designations, insurance policies, family stewardship, business interests, philanthropic intentions, and other facets. Risk & Insurance provides access to experts (including a licensed Trusts and Estates attorney) who can help navigate these intricacies strategically, while providing guidance and support for concepts, methods, and solutions that can aid and enhance the outcome. Likewise, analytic tools to assess and quantify estate tax and transfer costs, measure the impact of proposed solutions, and pull together the entire plan at our (and therefore your) disposal
Business Planning
There are myriad examples where risk management and insurance dovetail with conversations advisors have with their business owner clients. The context could involve providing funding to effect purchases contemplated in a buy/sell agreement, indemnifying the business against the loss of a key employee, funding an executive retention plan via a split dollar or deferred compensation agreement, or enhancing group benefits with executive carve-out or voluntary benefits, and more.
Our team stands ready to assist you in determining what solutions can be effective tools for your business owner clients.
Life as An Asset Class
Life insurance is afforded quite unique income tax treatment in the code. With the correct fact-pattern, strategic use of life insurance for not only its death benefit but also its cash accumulation potential can be an effective tool as part of the overall wealth management plan – especially for those looking for heavily funded, non-market correlated designs.
Our team has vast experience in designing insurance solutions for maximum cash value growth, minimizing internal expenses, and maximizing distribution potential.